Gashalti Health Hotel Naftalan
Welcome to Qashalti sanatorium is the High-Quality and Comfortable Health Resort Center opened in Naftalan located among magnificent nature and offering treatment by incomparable Naftalan oil.
Gashalti Health Hotel Naftalan is a 5-star resort in a picturesque nook of Azerbaijan, Naftalan district. Built in 2011 and managed in accordance with international hotel standards, it combines a clinic and all elements of a luxury 5-star hotel. Gashalti Naftalan is a combination of an individual approach to each guest and treatment with unique Naftalan oil since all our efforts are aimed at providing your health and comfort.
During staying here we and our personnel will render all reasonable services of treatment and comfort. We will apply all our best efforts in order you to have good memories when leaving Naftalan and you would give your preference to the Qashalti Sanatorium in the future.
The modern Polyclinic is equipped with the latest medical equipment and provides a full range of medical services.
Naftalan Therapy is primarily a treatment in the healing Naftalan baths. Physiotherapy (electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, iontophoresis, combi, radar therapy, paraffin)
1. Joint disease of soft tissues of the supporting-motor
A) Chronic polyarthritis (Sokolsky-Buyo disease in the inactive
phase with minimal activity)
B) Infectious nonspecific polyarthritis (inactive phase with
minimal activity)
C) Infectional arthritis: poly-brucellous, dysenteric, virous)
D) Secondary arthropathy deformans (resulting from injury)
E) Intervertebral osteochondrosis
F) Spondylosis deformans, spondylarthrosis
G) Arthritis, arthrosis associated with other diseases: podagric
polyarthritis, benign professional polyarthritis, hand-arm
vibration syndrome
H) Extraarticular disease of soft tissues and musculoskeletal
system: bursitis, tendovaginitis; periarthritis, myositis, myalgia,
I) A0, A1, A2 polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis, Bekhterev’s
2. Nervous diseases:
A) Trifacial neuralgia, nuchal neuralgia, sciatic neuralgia,
intercostal neuralgia
B) Neuritis of the facial, radial, ulnar, femoral, tibial, and
peroneal nerves
C) Lumbosacral radiculitis
D) Brachial plexitis and cervical brachial radiculitis
3. Surgical diseases:
A) Endoarthritis, 1 and 2 phases (obliterating
atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities)
B) Raynaud’s disease
C) Phlebitis (non-acute)
D) Thrombophlebitis (non-acute)
E) Chronic epididymitis
E) Chronic osteitis (non-acute)
G) Post-burn keloid scars
H) Trophic ulcers of the extremities
4. Gynecological diseases:
A) Adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis
B) Pelvic cellulitis
C) Endometritis
D) Cervicitis, chronic recurrent colpitis
E) Amenorrhea, uterine underdevelopment
E) Ovarian dysfunction
G) Natural and secondary sterility
H) Climacteric syndrome
I) Pelvic peritoneal adhesions
5. Skin diseases:
A) Psoriasis in stable stage
B) Non-acute neurodermatosis
C) Chronic recurrent eczema (dry)
D) Lichen ruber planus
E) Scleroderma
F) Seborrhea
6. Urological diseases:
A) Prostatitis, urethritis
B) Male infertility
7. Children’s Diseases:
A) Rheumatoid arthritis in children, quiescent period,
Still’s disease
B) Juvenile chorea
C) ICP consequences
D) Allergic skin diseases
8. Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders:
A) Tonsillitis
B) Pharyngitis
C) Laryngitis
D) Rhinitis
E) Sinusitis
F) Genyantritis
G) Frontal sinusitis
Contraindications to treatment with naftalan oil:
- Acute joint diseases;
- Structural diseases of the central nervous system;
- Malignant and benign tumors (of any location);
- Acute gynecological disorders;
- Tuberculous lesions of any organ;
- Disturbed circulation of 2nd and 3rd degree;
- Hypertensive disease of 3rd degree;
- Chronic coronary insufficiency 2nd and 3rd degree with angina attacks, myocardial infarction in the anamnesis;
- Atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia;
- Severe anemia of any origin;
- Acute neuritides and nephroses;
- Hepatic impairment of any etiology;
- Mental illnesses;
- Epilepsy;
- Venereal diseases;
- All blood diseases;
- Pregnancy and nursing time